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Brad Pitt's private confession to Jennifer Aniston about Jolie before divorce

Brad Pitt’s private confession to Jennifer Aniston about Jolie before divorceBrad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were once considered as Hollywood’s golden couple, but seemingly things weren't as perfect as it seemed behind closed doors. Before their divorce in 2005, Pitt reportedly made an... from The News International - Entertainment
  The Genius Wave.                                       Hyper-conversions, BIG-TIME EPCs, Neuroscientist-endorsed product.        

JointEternal Supplements - Health

  JointEternal Supplements - Health                                                                        We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction. That's why  JointEternal  comes with a 60 day, no questions asked,  full money back guarantee. Whether you order 1, 3 or 6 canisters of  JointEternal , you'll be eligible for our 100% money back guarantee. If after taking  JointEternal  you don’t see dramatic improvements to your mental energy, concentration and mood, and overall wellness, then I want you to simply send back the unused canisters for a fast and full refund.

Yesterday's prisoner is today's president of Afghanistan....🍂✌️

              Yesterday's prisoner is today's president of Afghanistan....🍂✌️

In Afghanistan, the Taliban government is giving children education as well as war training.

 In Afghanistan, the Taliban government is giving children education as well as war training. .* It is not only the duty of the government of Afghanistan, but it is also necessary for the Muslims living in every Muslim country in the world to inform their children about the great duty of Jihad from their childhood and also give them Jihad training, including how to use weapons. Methodology, combat weapon awareness and rigorous physical exercises are included. Because giving this training is also an important duty of religion. Archery in the Prophet's Mosque during the time of the Prophet. Talwad Bazi exercises used to take place.... Moved Make your children warriors instead of tiktokers, because now the Muslim Ummah needs warriors, not tiktokers. 

* Surah Kahf and Fitnah * * Protection from Dajjal *

 🌺 * Surah Kahf and Fitnah * * Protection from Dajjal * Surah Kahf is a great surah of the Quran, its recitation on Friday is recommended. Whoever recites Surah Kahf on Friday, Allah will provide light for him. Prophet ﷺ said.  Whoever recites Surah al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, there is light between it and al-Bayt al-Atiq (Sahih al-Jami’: 6471).  Translation: Whoever recites Surah Al-Khaf on Friday, light shines between him and the House of Allah.  Messenger of Allah said: Whoever recites Surah Al-Kahf on the day of Jumu'ah, it will be illuminated by the light of what is between the congregations (Sahih al-Jama'i: 6470).  Translation: Whoever recites Surah Al-Kahf on Friday, a light will be lit between the two Fridays (i.e. until the next Friday).  "Whoever recites Surah Al-Kahf on the night of Friday, there will be light for him in what is between him and the Ancient House" [Sahih al-Targheeb by al-Albani: 736].  Translation: The Prophet (peace an...

Benefits of positive thinking

 * 🌹 In the name of God the Most Merciful 🌹​​* * 🌺 Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God 💐* Benefits of positive thinking * This method is useful not only in the relationship of husband and wife, but in thousands of life matters. This method is called "positive mental thinking", that is, if there is a problem in something or something, then it is good. Consider the aspects as well. It may be that the good side is more or the good side is more beneficial, for example, someone's wife is ugly, but that is why the man gets good children. The result will be that the wife will be lost but the children will also be lost with herAnd the whole life will be spent in such bitterness, mental agony, war for children and fighting for rights that fourteen classes will be enlightened. In the same way, a person is kept in the institution who is disliked for some reason but because of that the system is running very well, now keeping that person though not liked but firi...

Where else is heedless!

 Where else is heedless!   The length of the major canals of Pakistan is 60 thousand km and the canals are more than 1.6 million km long. Water continues to flow in these canals for irrigation, in which such small touchable hand turbines can be placed to generate electricity day and night.  These manual turbines can also generate electricity from water moving at very slow speeds (up to 1 meter per second). They are environmentally friendly and can be kept in large numbers in the same canal or furrow.  They are inexpensive and can be easily carried everywhere. It can also be produced locally. For now, see the video of the manual turbine made by the Canadian company, which we can also produce by reverse engineering. 

:Book review Sapeins: (human, modern human proper name)

 :Book review Sapeins: (hu man, modern human proper name) Sapiens is a very simple but very influential book by the famous Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari if you often wonder what is the history of our civilization. And how did we come to the conclusion that this book is the answer to all these questions?  This book begins with something very basic, which we think is very simple, but it is not at all. (also sapiens) were walking on earth at the time they were with us like the rest of lifeThere were chimpanzees, there were oreganotines, many fish and many species lived. And there was no difference between us, it was not like, hey, we are homo sapiens, so we are ruling the world, we are very wise and they are going to develop so much in the world, right!! It was never like that. We were very insignificant and unimportant. These are the words of Yuval. But it is not so easy, something has happened in the last 70,000 thousand years that we have become the most powerful and dom...

Imran Khan is invincible

 He has tried everything but is not ready to back down from Awam Khan Javed Hashmi Conference. fail Ayesha Gulalai Scandal. fail Reham Khan book. fail Jewish card. fail Audio leaks. fail Tareen and Aleem Propaganda. fail Qadiani Card fail Manka Forced Divorce Narrative Failure Cocaine, alcohol narrative. fail Khattak, Chauhan, Dar allegations. fail Period Nikah Banya. fail Tosha Khana propaganda. fail Bani Gala Mini Trail Case. fail Conspiracy to kill 3 times. fail Cipher Secret Act. fail Torture in a tight prison, failure to break 200 fake cases. fail Banning it on the media. fail Making a traitor by doing May 9. fail Persecution of independent journalists. fail Name ban on media. fail Punjab election rigging. fail Making a fugitive by dealing. fail Attempt to ban the party. Failed Cancer, hospital, fund propaganda fail Ban on party flag. fail Kashmir government conspiracy. fail And the GB government conspiracy. fail The presumptuous end of prophethood narrative. fail Ban on party...

decline of Muslims

 Some attribute the current decline of Muslims to a "weak economy" and backwardness in technology.  And are propagating that instead of crying over the ongoing oppression, strengthen yourself in these causes, Apparently, this seems very reasonable, but here these gentlemen must remember the tradition of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, in which cruel nations are mentioned about attacking the Muslims, and the reason for the defeat of the Muslims. Hearts are said to be "whining".  When asked what is "Whaan"? So he (peace be upon him) said: "This is the love of the world and the fear of death." (Sunan Abi Dawud, chapter on the call of the Ummah on Islam, hadith number: 4297) If you look at the collective situation of the current Islamic countries, here you will see very economically stable countries like the Arab countries, on the other hand, you will also see the armies of Muslim countries equipped with modern weapons, but what is the ...

*What is genuine war?*

 *What is genuine war?* Trap al-Maqdis is the heavenly spot of three religions. Qibla of Muslims Allow Jesus to be brought into the world for Christians Solomon's Sanctuary for the Jews How about we start with Hazrat Ibrahim (harmony arrive). He had two children, Ishmael and Ishaq. Hazrat Yaqub (harmony arrive) was the child of Ishaq (harmony arrive). This is where the narrative of Israel starts Israel implies worker of Allah and this title was given to Hazrat Yaqub (harmony arrive). At the point when Hazrat Yusuf (harmony arrive) turned into the gatekeeper of Egypt, he was requested to call his whole family, the group of Ya'qub, to Egypt. What's more, a specific piece of the place that is known for Egypt was distributed to them. Also, it was said by Allah: O group of Ya'qub, there are endowments for you in this land. Hazrat Yusuf (harmony arrive) had twelve siblings, that is the reason Allah delivered twelve glasses for him. Thus the name of this land became Israel aft...

The Twelve Lost Clans of Israel

 The Twelve Lost Clans of Israel The Jewish title of Hazrat Jacob (harmony arrive) was Israel, the grandson of Hazrat Ibrahim (harmony arrive) and the child of Hazrat Isaac (harmony arrive). Along these lines, their relatives were called Bani Israel. Hazrat Yaqub had twelve children. Allah had given incredible favors to his kids. In this way, all along, the Israelites were separated into twelve clans. There were twelve clans living in Israel who were aggregately called the Israelites. It is said that main two clans (the present Jews) follow the Torah while the excess ten clans never again acknowledge the Torah. Yet, these were likewise important for Bani Israel. The present northern Israel was vanquished by the Assyrian nation of Nineveh around 800 years before the introduction of Jesus, while the southern area known as Judah was involved hundreds of years after the fact by trespassers from Babylon. At the point when the leader of Babylon, Rua Bakht Nasr, caught Jerusalem (present-...

Rights of Husband:

 Rights of Husband: In blessed hadiths, strict promises have been made about a woman who disobeys her husband, and a woman who obeys and obeys her husband has been described as a great virtue.  Translation: The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: If I could order someone to prostrate to someone (other than Allah), I would surely order a woman to prostrate to her husband. publishing house) Rights of Wife: The rights of women are also described with great importance in the Holy Quran and hadiths, it is also very important to pay the rights of a woman to her husband.  Translation: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: The most perfect faith among the believers is the one who is most virtuous among them, and the best among you is the one who is the best towards his wives. 

*Interesting Information*

 *Interesting Info rmation* *(1)* River Nile is the longest river in the world with a length of 6670 km.  *(2)* Cod fish lays 9 million eggs a year but very few of them survive.  *(3)* Samsong is a combination of two Korean words Sam and Sang. Sam means "three" and Sang means "stars". That is three stars *(4)* Titanic shipwreck still lies in the ocean at a depth of 3800 meters.  (5) The maximum depth of the ocean is about 11 km (10923 m).  (6) Robert Pershing (height 8 feet 11 inches), who was the tallest man of the twentieth century, surpassed his mother's height at the age of 4.5 years.  (7) Ninety-two percent of people in the world use Google to check their spelling. And 80 percent of people in Pakistan use Google to check whether the Internet is working or not.  (8) Ismail bin al-Sharif bin al-Nasr, Sultan of Morocco, who ruled Morocco for 55 years from 1672 to 1727. He had 525 sons and 342 daughters from his various wives and concubines.  (9)...


 Osteocalcin, a protein secreted within our bone structure, helps us flee when we fear something. This new discovery was recently discovered by Gérard Karsenty, a Columbia University geneticist. This means that the main purpose of the bone structure that has evolved in animals is to help us escape from fear. 

These are the entities that humanity will keep their kindness for life

 These are the ent ities that humanity will keep their kindness for life Two Canadian medical scientists named Sir Frederick Banting and another named Charles Best. It was July 28, 1922, when the two scientists arrived at the pediatric diabetes ward of Toronto's John McLeod Hospital with their newly invented pancreatic hormone insulin. Most of these hospitalized children were comatose and near death from diabetic ketoacidosis and "these moments are known as the most incredible moments in the medical world". Imagine parents sitting by their children in a crowded room, waiting for their inevitable death.  These scientists went to each bed in turn and injected all the children with the new insulin. As they were injecting the last comatose child, the first injected child started to wake up. Then one by one all the children woke up from their diabetic coma. That room full of death and sadness suddenly became a place of joy and hope.  History is grateful to those who gave somet...