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:Book review Sapeins: (human, modern human proper name)

 :Book review Sapeins: (hu

man, modern human proper name)

Sapiens is a very simple but very influential book by the famous Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari if you often wonder what is the history of our civilization. And how did we come to the conclusion that this book is the answer to all these questions? 

This book begins with something very basic, which we think is very simple, but it is not at all. (also sapiens) were walking on earth at the time they were with us like the rest of lifeThere were chimpanzees, there were oreganotines, many fish and many species lived. And there was no difference between us, it was not like, hey, we are homo sapiens, so we are ruling the world, we are very wise and they are going to develop so much in the world, right!! It was never like that. We were very insignificant and unimportant. These are the words of Yuval. But it is not so easy, something has happened in the last 70,000 thousand years that we have become the most powerful and dominant species on earth from an insignificant and insignificant life. Yuval's argument is that this has been made possible by two things: The power of humans to imagine. We can imagine, we can use the same concept and thought both negatively and positively, and if we sit down and think that in the future we will have a car, a bungalow, we will go on vacation, we will love and cherish it. so and so... It is imagination and imagination that animals do not have and it is what holds the world together. Secondly, The power of humans to cooperate. You should understand this in such a way that if you keep a hundred chimpanzees together and a hundred humans, you may not feel much difference. But when you put a hundred thousand chimpanzees and a hundred thousand chimpanzees togetherIf you put them together, it is possible that chimpanzees will fall victim to some chaos, but humans will still find a way of cooperation and that cooperation is still as strong when the person in front is a complete stranger, have you ever thought? Our day starts based on the same operation as when the day startsSometimes we go out of our house and sit in a car or a bus. This is a kind of cooperation because you rely on a bus and rickshaw driver to do his job. And he will provide you with that service for some money, you are walking on a road that is built by a stranger, but because that's how things happen when people cooperate with each other, these buildings, these infrastructures, these companies. This government, this country is all a reflection of this cooperation which animals cannot do and so onWith cooperation we have imagination, with this imagination we create stories, we have the power to think and tell stories and that is the power with which we make fictional constructs, we can make them into fictional things only because of stories. Take an example of what money isA slip of paper on which State Bank of Pakistan writes that its value is five thousand and it is assured that its value is only five thousand Who is this SBP? What is this money? Still, if someone has a note of five thousand, then he has the belief that he has this value and with the same belief that heHe goes to a shopkeeper and the shopkeeper also gives him something in exchange for the same money with the same belief. Have you ever thought how uncertain it all seems? The whole world runs on the same cooperation. When it comes to religion, no religion has seen its God, only felt it, which is a mythical idea, a strong belief that there is someone. On us that has been running from our generations through our evolution and for many centuries nowA concrete truth has become for us and all this is the power of imagination and when you bring this cooperation and imagination together, things become magical. This is what Yuval has written in this book sapeins. This book discusses three revolutions 70,000 years ago 1:

Cognitive Revolutions:

It was the evolution of the brain that created such a civilization based on imagination and cooperation, Homo sapiens started to become a predominant species on earth, in the beginning we had to hunt sapiens continuously in search of food and shelter. Homo sapiens food in periodThey were only a part of China, they used to hunt animals weaker than them. Lions and leopards were the kings of this food chain, but the discovery of fire changed this situation. Before fire, sapiens used to eat it raw. That's why their teeth were big and the size of their intestines was also bigBut the size of their brain was small. After the fire, Homo sapiens began to cook and eat, so it takes less time to eat and digest. As the mind grew, their ability to think also began to increase and so did the ability to thinkBy using the sign language to cooperate with each other, I also created many tools to kill powerful animals. Using their social abilities, thinking power, sign language, and co-operation, sapiens formed their own group and started killing powerful animals. The cognitive revolution gave sapiens foodmade the king of the chain. When the sapiens met the rest of the species, there are two ideas at the same place: first, the interbreeding theory, the sapiens formed relationships with these species, or the second extinction theory, that the sapiens killed these species like the rest of the animals, whichever theory is true. But in today's history, one of the sapiens on earth is themHomo sapiens. That is, we, the search for food and the invention of fire forced the sapiens to go to cold areas. They migrated from Africa to the cold areas of Europe and Russia. It started to end as soon as the Sapiens left, the main reason being that theyIt takes time to be born and grow up. If the sapiens killed a single animal in a week, their species began to die out in a few years. Later, he started going to the northern regions of America, then from North America to South AmericaThe world also migrated to the sapiens, the big animals went extinct. 

Then twelve thousand years ago

Agricultural revolutions:

Did agriculture begin in many regions of the world at the time when turkeys grew wheat and rice, corn and beans were grown in North America, potatoes were grown in South America, millet in Africa, millet and rice in China. Agriculture started in those places because farmingAnimals were needed for this. They were found in these places. Two thousand years after the advent of agriculture, sapiens abandoned hunting and started farming. until the crop is stored somewhere. Therefore, sapiens began to live in one place and their population also began to grow. At first, it was difficult to raise children in search of prey, but with the beginning of agriculture, it became easier for women to have more children, and food to feed a large population was also found in agriculture. Apparently, the agriculture revolution made life easier for sapiensInstead, it made them more weak and dependent. Before agriculture, they used to complete their diet by eating fruits and meat. They used to work 30 hours a week, while in farming they got 60 a weekhad to work hours. Earlier they did not care about climate change but after agriculture they started to depend on climate due to weakness due to lack of food and at the same time diseases started to spread among them due to contact with other animals due to so much damage they reverted to hunting. Why can't you change from a hunter to a farmer? It was so slow that it took many years and Sapiens got used to farming. Now they started planning to grow crops, when the crops were not good, they started to worry. It used to be easy, but after agriculture, the population increased moreImagine myths to cooperate with each other, that is, to believe in something that does not exist, that is, God, religion, law, money, religion, and the concept of God was in the form of a story, and it seemed obvious to the sapiens to believe in it. Because this was the only way to cooperate among us, Homo sapiens, now dual reality manLiving in an objective reality (i.e. nature, water, plants, animals) and imagine reality (i.e. God, religion, law, nation) Homo sapiens started giving priority to imagine reality over objective reality. Due to the increase in human population and settlement, the society started to change, quarrels began to happen among themselves for property, and to stop the battles, an army was formed, and to run this army, the head of this army was formed, who was a king or a warrior. When I was preparing to fight, I collected tax for their food and drinkTo begin with, as the population was too large, laws were made to manage it. Gradually the law increased and the administration became stronger and the society started to be classified. As the population grew, their imaginations became stronger, small cultures gradually became mega-cultures, and they became empires to sustain the cultures. There are three sources that can bring these homo sapiens togetherThey are still there today

Infects of hummus:

1. Money

2. Politics

3. Religion

1. Money: Regardless of religion, people all believe in money. In the beginning, barter system was used to trade, that is, if one grows fruit and one rice, they used to exchange both of them with each other, but the population is too large and things If the amount is very large, the barter system becomes very complicatedMoney was invented to end money and goods became a universal medium of exchange. First, money was in the form of metal, then came in the form of gold, then coin, which had the image or authority of the king, at that time, the paper on which the registration authority of the government was used in the form of money. 

2. Politics: Empire means a king or a king and his army for a long time ruled over people following different cultures and forced them to follow a law. made and many years later the human race did not even remember that theyWhat was the original culture and that's why even after the end or death of this empire, they started to follow the forced culture, for example, before the Arab Muslim culture, Egypt, Syria and Iran had their own local culture in the 17th century. Since the coming of the government, all the people there have followed the Arab and Muslim cultureAfter the end of Lagi and Umpire, the people there still believe in Arab Muslim culture. Another example is that India was ruled by Britain for many years. Speak English and follow the administration laws given by them

3. Religion: After agriculture, when people settled down, they became dependent on the weather for their farming, so whenever there was a disease, people thought of imagined Gods. These gods were local and related to agriculture, such as rain. God, fertility god. As the structure of society became more complex, the number of gods also increased and polytheism, i.e. belief in many gods, became monotheism, i.e. belief in one god. But they believe that the nature of both is machinery ieThat his followers believe in spreading it After that, around the 5th century BC, religions that believed in natural law began, such as Buddhism and Jainism. Now the question arises that if religion is an imagined reality, then why do people believe in it, there are two reasons, their authority is not derived from human but from superhuman power and secondly, humans trust in it for the operation among themselves. It seems easy to ignore religion in today's global worldIdeologies have become enough that help people to operate with each other like capitalism, communism, nationalism, like if you go to watch a cricket match, you don't know many people there, but when a four or a six is ​​hit, you shout. Of course, because you all belong to the same nation

Scientific Revolutions and Research in Europe:

For a long time, people used to think that what is in religion is the right one, but in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, this changed, Europe became the center of the scientific revolution. There are two reasons for this. Europe began to believe that humans do not know everything, they need to do more research and the capitalists there started sponsoring the same research. And Newton uses this method to create equationsgave the laws of motion and began to express what cannot be actually detected in the form of probability (Actuarial science which is used in the insurance industry is based on statistics and probability) Europe's desire to multiply was so great that there Columbus Joe began looking for a sponsor for the sailorHe was a simple sailor in search of a new continent. He requested money from the umpire. Finally, the umpire of Spain agreed to sponsor his expenses. Columbus discovered America and using the raw material there, Spain became a rich country. After that, the idea of ​​sailing grew so much that along with KingOrdinary people also started sponsoring the sellers from joint stock exchange. Because of these skills, the Europeans became the kings of the earth. The Rollers were not interested in moving out of their empireThey did not want to learn anything new so they stayed behind the Europeans

Industrial Revolutions:

Before the Industrial Revolution, people used to burn wood for their needs. After a few years, they started burning coal to generate energy. Today's society began to happen in which weLive, its time table has been created by the industrial revolution, many factories were built and many people started working in them. 9 to 5 job is the result of industrial revolution. National to bring uniformity in tradeAnother problem with the amount of time being created is who is going to buy all these things? Most of the people were factory workers whose salary was very low. Humans thought of an idea to get out of this problem. That was credit, which means that even if you don't have money today, you can pay the full amount in the future. The theory of consumerism started to be a marketing campaign to induce people to buy things on loan. The mentality of the people was created in the name of fashion. The joint system of the earlier era was a barrier to consumerism because the people living in the joint family. They share their things with each otherBefore I take anything, they care about each other's opinion State is responsible for breaking joint family i.e. Govt took care of people's health, security and education State built public hospitals for people's health And the police was created for protection, the result was that the people themselvesYou can go far away from the joint community, campaigns like marry the partner of your dream or just do it a or explore the world all these campaigns affected people mentally and broke their family structure to become nuclear. Changed to family

Hoppensis, Post End Percent:

After making so much progress, the question is, are people happy? Today we have many communication tools, we are emotionally alone. Human's basic nature is hunter and gatherer. Today we are locked in a system against basic nature. genetics engineering, nano technology, DNA modifications, bionic organs, all these technologies can change the way of our evolution, they can make humans superhuman, but then that is my question, will all these technologies bring happiness to humans? Evolved from the forests of Africa. Today you are reading my book reviewOn Facebook 🤭 All this is written by yuval harari in sapeins. 

(Note: If you get a chance to read only one book in your life, you will read sapiens, this book answers as many questions as it does in your mind, a mental restlessness, and a chaos of thoughts.... ...)


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