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Showing posts with the label i'm invincible i'm so powerful

Brad Pitt's private confession to Jennifer Aniston about Jolie before divorce

Brad Pitt’s private confession to Jennifer Aniston about Jolie before divorceBrad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were once considered as Hollywood’s golden couple, but seemingly things weren't as perfect as it seemed behind closed doors. Before their divorce in 2005, Pitt reportedly made an... from The News International - Entertainment

Imran Khan is invincible

 He has tried everything but is not ready to back down from Awam Khan Javed Hashmi Conference. fail Ayesha Gulalai Scandal. fail Reham Khan book. fail Jewish card. fail Audio leaks. fail Tareen and Aleem Propaganda. fail Qadiani Card fail Manka Forced Divorce Narrative Failure Cocaine, alcohol narrative. fail Khattak, Chauhan, Dar allegations. fail Period Nikah Banya. fail Tosha Khana propaganda. fail Bani Gala Mini Trail Case. fail Conspiracy to kill 3 times. fail Cipher Secret Act. fail Torture in a tight prison, failure to break 200 fake cases. fail Banning it on the media. fail Making a traitor by doing May 9. fail Persecution of independent journalists. fail Name ban on media. fail Punjab election rigging. fail Making a fugitive by dealing. fail Attempt to ban the party. Failed Cancer, hospital, fund propaganda fail Ban on party flag. fail Kashmir government conspiracy. fail And the GB government conspiracy. fail The presumptuous end of prophethood narrative. fail Ban on party...