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Showing posts with the label antioxidants sources

Brad Pitt's private confession to Jennifer Aniston about Jolie before divorce

Brad Pitt’s private confession to Jennifer Aniston about Jolie before divorceBrad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were once considered as Hollywood’s golden couple, but seemingly things weren't as perfect as it seemed behind closed doors. Before their divorce in 2005, Pitt reportedly made an... from The News International - Entertainment

Antioxidants | The Nutrition Source

 Antioxidants are substances that help protect our cells from any damage that toxins or other external radicals can cause. Free radicals are waste products found in cells when they digest food and react with their surroundings.  They are called in Urdu Manat Takshid components. These are the substances that keep the body components fresh and protect the body from decay.  New body cells are formed all the time in our body and the old ones die and become waste. If this waste is not disposed of, these infections can even cause cancer. I provide assistance