An old sheikh loved one of his chickens very much. Suddenly, one day he was stolen, he sent his servants and searched the whole tribe, but the chicken was not found. The employees said that the chicken must have been eaten by an animal. The old sheikh ordered to find feathers and skins of chickens. The Sheikh slaughtered a camel and invited the elders of the entire tribe. When they had finished eating, the sheikh mentioned to them about the loss of his chicken and requested their help in finding it. Some smiled under their lips, some thought the old man was angry, but promised that they would try. There was a good conversation about going out and slaughtering a camel in search of a chicken. A few days later, a goat was stolen from the tribe. Belonged to the poor man, he found out and became silent. When this matter came to the Shaykh's knowledge, he again slaughtered a camel and invited him. When the people had finished eating, he again told the story of the search for the rooster ...