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Showing posts with the label what are the signs of a silent stroke

Brad Pitt's private confession to Jennifer Aniston about Jolie before divorce

Brad Pitt’s private confession to Jennifer Aniston about Jolie before divorceBrad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were once considered as Hollywood’s golden couple, but seemingly things weren't as perfect as it seemed behind closed doors. Before their divorce in 2005, Pitt reportedly made an... from The News International - Entertainment

5 Silent Symptoms of Stroke

 5 Silent Symptoms of Stroke Stroke is a disease in which the brain is damaged and a part of the body is paralyzed and if proper treatment is given in time, its effects can be minimized, but most people mistake the symptoms of this life-threatening disease for other medical problems. Understand and delay treatment.  Every passing minute after a stroke, your brain is losing 1.9 million cells, and if treatment facilities are not available for one hour, the brain age increases by three and a half years. The longer the delay in getting treatment, the greater the risk of problems such as speech difficulties, memory loss and behavioral changes.  The earlier a stroke is caught, the more effectively it can be treated and the less damage to the brain.  There are two types of stroke, one in which the blood supply to the brain is reduced as a result of the blood vessels being blocked, the other is in which a blood vessel starts leaking into the brain. The symptoms of both these...