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Showing posts with the label a mother and son

Brad Pitt's private confession to Jennifer Aniston about Jolie before divorce

Brad Pitt’s private confession to Jennifer Aniston about Jolie before divorceBrad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were once considered as Hollywood’s golden couple, but seemingly things weren't as perfect as it seemed behind closed doors. Before their divorce in 2005, Pitt reportedly made an... from The News International - Entertainment

*Training Style*

 *Training Style* A woman was walking on the road with her child when a broken beggar came from the front.  He said to the child *Look at this beggar, if you don't study, you will become like this beggar.* Another woman was also walking on the same road with her child. She said to her child; *Look at this beggar, if you become a big man by reading and writing, you will be able to change the life of this beggar* Both the mothers are *training* but the *results of both will be totally different*.  One gave the child "fear" and the other "determination and dreams".  *Training* is very delicate work! Because it is the cutting of today's hemp that will take the shape of a tree tomorrow...  Be it the pulpit of the scholars or the desk of the teachers Be it *mother's* lap or *father's* care All these are the *cradles of training*...  So give training a *positive approach*.